Personal Loan EMI Calculator


Loan Amount: 0

EMI Monthly: 0

Total Interest: 0

Total Payable Amount: 0

The formula used to calculate EMI is:
EMI = [ P x R x (1+R)^N ] / [(1+R)^N - 1]
P is the loan amount (principal)
R is the monthly interest rate (annual rate divided by 12 and expressed as a decimal)
N is the total number of monthly installments (loan tenure in years multiplied by 12)

Personal Loan EMI Calculator

A Personal Loan EMI Calculator helps you estimate the monthly installment (EMI) you’d need to pay for your desired loan amount, interest rate, and loan tenure. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Loan Amount: The total sum you borrow from the lender for your personal needs.
  • Interest Rate: The annual interest rate charged by the lender on the loan amount.
  • Loan Tenure: The duration (in years) for which you repay the loan.


  • EMI: The monthly installment amount you’ll pay to the lender, which includes both principal and interest components.


The formula used to calculate EMI is the same as the one used for Home Loan EMI calculations:

EMI = [ P x R x (1+R)^N ] / [(1+R)^N - 1]


  • P is the loan amount (principal)
  • R is the monthly interest rate (annual rate divided by 12 and expressed as a decimal)
  • N is the total number of monthly installments (loan tenure in years multiplied by 12)


Let’s say you want to borrow ₹200,000 for a personal loan at an annual interest rate of 12% for a tenure of 3 years.

  1. Monthly Interest Rate (R): 12% / 12 = 0.01
  2. Number of Monthly Installments (N): 3 years * 12 months/year = 36 months
  3. EMI: [ ₹200,000 x 0.01 x (1 + 0.01)^36 ] / [(1 + 0.01)^36 – 1] ≈ ₹7,463.36

Therefore, your estimated monthly EMI would be approximately ₹7,463.36.

Benefits of using a Personal Loan EMI Calculator:

  • Plan your finances: Estimate your monthly loan burden and plan your budget accordingly.
  • Compare loan options: Compare different loan offers based on their EMI amounts to choose the most suitable one.
  • Negotiate terms: Use the calculated EMI as a reference point while negotiating loan terms with lenders.